襄阳立思辰留学 发表于:2020-03-31 08:31:24

Top 25 Private Schools in Canada
Appleby College - Oakville, ON
Ashbury College - Ottawa, ON
The Bishop Strachan School - Toronto, ON
Branksome Hall - Toronto, ON
Brentwood College School - Mill Bay, BC
Collingwood School - West Vancouver, BC
Crescent School - Toronto, ON
Crofton House School - Vancouver, BC
Elmwood School - Ottawa, ON
Havergal College - Toronto, ON
Lakefield College School - Lakefield, ON
Meadowridge School - Maple Ridge, BC
Ridley College - St. Catharines, ON
Shawnigan Lake School - Shawnigan Lake, BC
St. Andrew’s College - Aurora, ON
St. Clement’s School - Toronto, ON
St. George’s School - Vancouver, BC
St. Michaels University School - Victoria, BC
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School - Calgary, AB
Trinity College School - Port Hope, ON
University of Toronto Schools - Toronto, ON
Upper Canada College - Toronto, ON
Vancouver College - Vancouver, BC
The York School - Toronto, ON
York House School - Vancouver, BC
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