双语新闻 | 天呐!小猪佩奇让美国小朋友都开始学英腔?...190223
英语口语每天学 发表于:2019-08-17 11:31:17
原标题:双语新闻 | 天呐!小猪佩奇让美国小朋友都开始学英腔?...190223
Parents in the U.S. are claiming the popular children's TV show Peppa Pig has caused their kids to start speaking in a British accent.
claim v. 声称
accent n. 口音;腔调
And now parents of children who love the show are noticing that Peppa's southern British accent and vocabulary seem to be rubbing off on those watching the show.
rub off 影响

One parent wrote online: "My 4 year baby girl loves watching Peppa Pig and I have noticed her accent and grammar is extraordinary."
一位家长在网上写到:“ 四岁的宝贝女儿超爱看《小猪佩奇》,我开始意识到她的口音和语法是如此让人吃惊。”
extraordinary adj. 令人吃惊的
"I'd like to thank Peppa Pig for the slight yet adorable British accent my toddler is acquiring. " added by another parent.
toddler n. 学步期或刚会走路的幼儿

A third parent wrote: "The most entertaining aspect of my life right now is that my toddler now speaks with a British accent."
Have you watched the show? Why do you think it is popular?
