上海交大附中IB国际课程中心 发表于:2019-11-12 15:00:58

高中的时光无疑是繁忙且充满了挑战的。无论是校内充实的课内学习和社团活动,或是校外的学科竞赛、科创、甚至艺术与商业项目,又甚至是托福、SAT等一系列繁琐的标化考试,新任务源源不断,占据了大量的空闲的休息时间。的确,学习与考试并不总是令人愉悦的。可若心怀理想,知道该追寻何方的景色,它们却会变为实现未来的石阶,通过持续的积累与成长,不经意间一层层地在我们的面前铺下通往梦校的康庄大道。正如尼采所言,“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”只要心中火焰不熄,有所热爱,便有千万种可能冲破过往的枷锁直至梦想实现。
Dear teachers and fellow students,
Good afternoon. I am Aslan Li from IB2-5. It is my honor today to receive such an honor. For me, this is going to be a great inspiration that prompts me to further my pursuits all along the path.
Here I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and peers for offering me so much help during the past two years. Thank you all for guiding me through the dilemmas until I finally found who I am and where my passion truly stands.
Meanwhile, I also want to show my respect to our school JZIB for teaching me about bravery, responsibility, endeavor and dedication through the meaningful activities and challenging schoolwork. Here, JZIB encourages me to seek my initial goal and explore the possibilities of life. I visited tidelands and urban parks constantly, listening to the sound of the natural world. I joined the program of Field Museum, learning from curators and researchers, digging fossils on the butte 7,200 feet above sea level. I organized drama festivals among school clubs, worked part time at a media company, interviewing actors, actresses, directors and producers. Life has become far more splendid than I have ever imagined.
These precious experiences prepared me for my future path in academics and career. This award is a recognition for my past efforts, motivating me to bear the responsibility and keep introspecting my own behaviors.
Dream big and retain freedom. This is what I have learnt through my years in JZIB.
High school years are absolutely tiring and full of challenges. The complicated assignments and club activities in school, the various extracurriculumn activities, competitions and research projects out of class, as well as the standardized tests such as TOEFL and SAT, all these burdens outpours like steady streams, taking up most of our spare time.
Indeed, these tasks may sometimes be far from amusing. But through understanding our ultimate goal, our future path will unveil itself as the hardwork pays off. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live canbear almost any how.” As long as one has something to stick on, he or she will always be able to break the chains that used to be his restraints.
Retaining freedom is equivalently important. It does not mean to extortas much as inclined. It is to remain self-disciplined while following your passion enthusiastically, ignoring all the limitations the world imposed on you. No matter to attend robotic competitions as most do, or to follow your dream and accomplish a record on the seasonal change of the campus, none of the results can be measured in a quantitative way. Ignoring the rankings of competitions and universities, I believe only by following our initial goals can our heart be filled with joy and our sweats and tears meaningful.
As is incribed on the rock in front of our schoolbuilding, our school mission is “思源致远,创生卓越”, which means toremain grateful and dream beyond, to create and acquire excellence. In JZIB we gain knowledge and experience in daily lives, not just for ourselves at this moment, but for the emerging future. Pursuing our dreams does not only mean endless efforts, but regular reflections and self-evaluations. Just like the reflection essays we have to complete after accomplishing written assignments and CAS projects, it is essential for us to solve our former mistakes and remain thankful to every gain and lost we have experienced. They help us to better modify ourselves and calmly deal with similar situations the next time.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson once said, “we grow great by dreams”. Dreams define the meaning of each step towards success, and fuel us till we glow in the light. Opportunity of changing our lives is just around the corner. Let us chase the sun and strive for our meaningful goal. Let us dream it possible.
Above are the thoughts I would like to share. Thank you all for listening.
Wish you a good day.
Thank you.
喜 报