伊尔女性网 发表于:2019-11-14 16:03:06

当地时间11月13日,金砖国家工商论坛闭幕式在巴西利亚举行。国家主席习近平出席并发表讲话。 新华社记者 谢环驰 摄
Many new changes have taken place in the world for a period of time, Xi told business delegates from BRICS countries, saying that the changes brought numerous opportunities as well as challenges.习近平指出,一段时间来,世界形势又发生许多新变化,既充满机遇,也有不少挑战。
As for opportunities, Xi said the power unleashed by a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has opened up new ground for productivity growth, and economic and social development.
At the same time, he said, mounting protectionism and bullyism are eroding global trade, investment and weighing down the world economy.
"When businesses have confidence, the market will enjoy vitality," Xi told the audience, calling on the business sector to seize the opportunities and address the challenges.
The business circles should continue to full-play their advantages, take an active part in promoting economic cooperation among BRICS countries, and actively invest and do businesses in BRICS countries to make tangible contributions to growth and job creation, Xi said.
The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage, the president noted, urging the business sector to integrate business cooperation with the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution, and produce more spotlight results in such areas as innovation, digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies.
As economic globalization faces headwinds, the business circles should help the government better understand the industry and the market"s demands, and improve its decision-making capacity by identifying difficulties and pain points that hinder trade and investment between countries and providing suggestions for feasible solutions, Xi said.
The president told the forum that China"s development is an opportunity for the world. China"s commitment to opening up more widely and the long-term positive trend of its economy have not changed, Xi stressed.
China will further open its market, expand import and constantly improve business environment to create better conditions for companies" development, he added.
The joint building of the Belt and Road has entered a new high-quality period, Xi said, calling on the entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity and actively participate to reap more fruit of cooperation.