世界绿色设计论坛 发表于:2019-07-05 13:30:14
原标题:斯塔万格市副市长Bjørg Tysdal Moe:共建智慧城市
4月9日上午,斯塔万格市副市长Bjørg Tysdal Moe在北欧中国智慧城市峰会上发表了题为《共建智慧城市》的演讲。

Bjørg Tysdal Moe
斯塔万格市位于挪威南部西海岸,拥有 133.309 名居民,是挪威人口密度最高的城市。它在石油和天然气领域发挥着重要作用。同所有的大城市一样,斯塔万格市也需要更智能的解决方案,比如增长的人口、不完善的基础设施与低效的流动性、公民的更大需求与期望、环境变化同可持续增长的需要。斯塔万格这个智慧城市在市政府的支持下、同工业商业的合作中,不断的进行改进和试验。为了区别于具体的城市项目,他们制定了将项目归类为智慧城市项目而必须具备的标准:现代技术必须是每一个解决方案的核心,实例之间的合作,以及公民的参与。其目的是改善健康与福利、教育与知识、能源、气候和环境、城市艺术、治理与民主等诸多方面。斯塔万格市已经建立了一个基于 Lorawan 传感器的生命实验室基础设施,用于停车、废物管理与环境传感等。该网络面向所有人开放,政府和私营公司均可以利用该网络创建改善城市生活的解决方案。成为一座智慧城市是一项在未来很长的一段时间里要做的共同的努力。在斯塔万格市,几项举措与活动促成了我们今天所看到的智慧城市的许诺。除此之外,斯塔万格市为智能城市发布了一个路线图,它指出了智能城市发展的预期的方向,也是实施此项工作的框架。 路线图是在私营与政府部门广泛参与的情况下制定的。于此过程中,来自政府部门、工商界、组织、学术界和其他资源人员的 250 多名贡献者都参与了进来。
Bjørg Tysdal Moe副市长在演讲中说到:
Stavanger is a Norwegian city situated onthe northern edge of Europe.Compared to Beijing we’re a very smallcity, but in Norwegian scale, we’re one of the largest.

The theme for this conference is"Smart with a heart" - what does it really mean?Well, it means technology andsolutions that will benefit the end-user. We must focus on human beings and putthem in the center. We need a citizen-centric approach to urban development.That’s why we must remember our heartwhen working with smart cities.In Stavanger wehave a long history of creating economical growth based on what the nature provides,Butthis time, nature alone won’t provide the answer.

On our path to becoming a smarter city,we have considered three criteria that always must be present if a projectshall be classified as a smart city project:Modern technology to simplify or improve something.Cooperation across municipalities,industry, organizations, and academia.And of course:citizen involvement •Smart technology affects so many different areas. We believe that a smart city is also agreen city.

Stavanger has a long history ofcollaborating and exchanging knowledge with China. China is very important to us.Many Norwegian companies have strategiesfor China. This is also the case for the Stavanger region.The City of Stavanger and the Greater Stavanger Economic Development strongly support initiatives that lead tobilateral relations between our two countries.
Stavanger is a member of World EnergyCities Partnership together with three Chinese cities:Dongying,Karamay, and Daqing. In addition, we have close ties withYantai, a relationship that is built on a long-time collaboration between companies from Stavanger and Yantai, especially with Yantai CIMV Raffles. Another city with a strong relationshipwith Stavanger is Ningbo.
