
The Frederick Chopin Museum
From Polish version

The Museum collection, whose inventories contain at present 4813 items (including 81 loans), includes complete autographs, fragments, sketches (all told 129 inventory items) and copies (whole or fragments), made by members of the composer's family and circle of the following works by Chopin: These autographs and copies constitute extremely valuable source material for researchers and publishers of works by Chopin and are studied in the Museum by scientists and scholars from Poland and abroad.
降D大调摇篮曲(op. 57)
降A大调第一即兴曲(op. 29)
升F大调第二即兴曲(op. 36)
升c小调幻想即兴曲(op. 66)
f小调玛祖卡(op. 7 no. 3)
G大调玛祖卡(op. 50 no. 1)
a小调玛祖卡(op. 67 no. 4)
f小调玛祖卡(op. 68 no. 4)
c小调无编号夜曲、c小调夜曲(op. 48 no. 1)
升f小调夜曲(op. 48 no. 2)
几首波兰歌曲(op. 74 no. 6, 10 and 14)
f小调波罗乃兹(op. 71 no. 1, 2 and 3)
降b小调奏鸣曲(op. 35)
b小调奏鸣曲(op. 58)
g小调奏鸣曲(op. 65)
g小调钢琴三重奏(op. 8)
降E大调华丽大圆舞曲(op. 18)
f小调圆舞曲(op. 70 no. 2)
降B大调《唐璜》变奏曲(op. 2)



Furthermore, the Chopin Museum possesses sketches unused by the composer, such as figurations, counterpoint studies, fragments harmonised in chords, fragments of the song Dawny polak (sic !) chodzil w portkach and a Rumanian song from Walachia Dÿna Vallach, as well as a refrain from the Mazurka by Dabrowski, harmonised by Chopin in the B-flat Major key, and a humorous dedication "from one ignoramus to another", written possibly for Konstanty Mlokosiewicz, Lieutenant of the Hussars , and dated: "Carlsbad 2., Sept. 1835".
此外,肖邦博物馆还拥有肖邦没有用过的草稿,比如一些装饰音的练习,对位法的研究,还有写有和弦的片段,波兰歌曲《Dawny polak (sic !) chodzil w portkach》和一首罗马尼亚歌曲的片段,还有一首Dabrowski的玛祖卡的副歌,由肖邦在其降B大调玛祖卡主旋律里运用,构成和声,以及一个幽默的献词“由一个无知的人送给另一个”,这个很可能是写给Konstanty Mlokosiewicz——波兰轻骑兵的中尉的,并且日期标注为:“卡尔斯巴德(译者注:德国地名),1835年9月2日”。
Apart from manus of the Polish composer, the Museum collection contains French first editions which in the past belonged to his sister Ludwika (three volumes, 45 opera), Napoleon Orda (one volume, 11 opera), Maria Wodzinska (one volume with op. 24) and Pierre Zimmermann (one volume - op. 65).
除了这位波兰作曲家的手稿外,博物馆的藏品还包括原本属于他姐姐路德维卡、拿破仑·奥尔达(Napoleon Orda)、玛利亚·沃辛斯卡(Maria Wodzinska)和皮埃尔·齐默曼(Pierre Zimmermann)的第一版法国版本的乐谱,四人分别持有三册(45首作品)、一册(11首作品)、一册(op. 24)、一册(op. 65)。
The first three volumes contain handwritten annotations and corrections made in ordinary pencil - according to family tradition - by Chopin, while in the three volumes belonging to Orda, Wodzinska and Zimmermann, Chopin wrote dedications in ink: 1) "Napoleonowi Ordzie / FF. Chopin", 2) "à Mlle Maria Wodzynska [!] / F Chopin", 3) "A son ami Zimmermann / F. Chopin/ Paris 17 febr. [18]48".
前三册包含了肖邦用铅笔——根据家庭传统——手写的注解和纠正,而在属于奥尔达、沃辛斯卡和齐默曼的三册里,肖邦用墨水写下如此赠言:“1) "Napoleonowi Ordzie / FF. Chopin", 2) "à Mlle Maria Wodzynska [!] / F Chopin", 3) "A son ami Zimmermann / F. Chopin/ Paris 17 febr”
An important place amongst the music manus is held by the forty page-long autograph of the Piano Quartet in G minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (KV 478) and autographs of works by nineteenth-century composers dedicated to Chopin as well as compositions by Benjamin Godard, Alfred Quidant, and Moritz Rosenthal dedicated to Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
在音乐手稿中占有非常重要一席的当属于40页长的W·A·莫扎特的g小调钢琴四重奏(KV 478)手稿,以及19世纪的作曲家们献给肖邦的作品(手稿或印刷版),以及戈达尔(Benjamin Godard)、Alfred Quidant和罗森塔尔(Moritz Rosenthal)献给伊格纳奇·扬·帕德雷夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski)的作品。


Frederike Streicher给Karol Mikuli的信
Alargepart of the Museum collection is made up of correspondence, which includes:
1. the composer's letters (86 items) addressed to his family, acquaintances, friends and pupils as well as publishers
2. letters written to Chopin by amongst others G. Donizetti, J. Elsner, and J. P. Pixis (28 items)
3. letters e.g. from Klementyna Hoffmanowa, neé Tanska, to Izabela and Ludwika Chopin, which pertain to Chopin and possess great value for biographers of this Polish composer
其他一些人(如Klementyna Hoffmanowa给路德维卡·肖邦)之间与肖邦有关的书信,这些信对写肖邦传记的作家大有帮助
4.Additionally, the Museum collected letters by composers, singers, pianists, painters, poets, and publishers from the nineteenth and twentieth centuryand letters by many different persons such as members of the family of Chopin's sister Ludwika and M. Wodzinska or those connected with the Chopin tradition .
The Chopin Museum also houses various types of manu documents connected with members of the Chopin family, with Solange Clésinger (writing about the composer's death), Johann Baptist Cramer, Jozef Elsner and his wife Karolina, Wladyslaw Laskowicz (writing about the visit paid by Chopin to Adam Mickiewicz in the last months of 1834), Karol Mikuli (whose note discusses polyphonic composition technique as regards the canon), General Girolamo Ramorino (containing an invitation to a soirée, attended by a French poetess Marceline Desbordes-Valmore).
肖邦博物馆还藏有各种各样的肖邦的通讯的手稿记录:与家人、索兰热·克莱辛格(Solange Clésinger)(提到了肖邦的死)、约翰·巴普蒂斯特·克拉默(Johann Baptist Cramer)、约瑟夫·艾尔思内和他的妻子卡罗琳娜、W·拉斯科维奇(Wladyslaw Laskowicz)(写到了肖邦在1834年12月对亚当·密茨凯维奇的拜访)、卡罗尔·米库里(他的笔记讨论了卡农的对位法)、吉拉莫·拉莫里诺将军(General Girolamo Ramorino)(包括一个有法国诗人玛瑟琳·戴波尔德-瓦尔莫【Marceline Desbordes-Valmore】参加的晚会的邀请函)。
The Museum collection includes autographs - signatures by Daniel Auber, Izabela Barcinska, Jules Benedict, Luigi Cherubini, Justyna and Mikolaj Chopin, Charles Gavard, Jacques Fromental Halévy, Ludwika Jedrzejewiczowa, Fanny Persiani, Giovanni-Battista Rubini, and Antoni Tamburini and signatures of the participants and jury members of International Frederick Chopin Piano Competitions, on their photographs and caricatures.
还有一些手稿,像丹尼尔·奥柏、伊莎贝拉·巴辛斯卡(Izabela Barcinska)、尤勒斯·本尼迪克特(Jules Benedict)、路易吉·凯鲁比尼(Luigi Cherubini)、贾斯汀娜和米科拉伊·肖邦、查理斯·加佛(Charles Gavard)、雅克·弗洛蒙塔尔·阿莱维、路德维卡·杰瑞兹维克斯、乔凡尼—巴·鲁比尼和安东尼·塔布利尼(Antoni Tamburini)的签名,还有肖邦国际钢琴比赛的选手和评审团成员,在他们的照片或漫画上的签名。
A valuable manu of printed and typed material deals with the activities of the Frederick Chopin Institute from 1934 to 1939; the same holds true for a commemorative book inaugurated in 1895 for visitors to Zelazowa Wola which includes the signature of Antoni Jedrzejewicz, Chopin's nephew.

An important part of the collection is composed of iconography which includes portraits, views of localities where Chopin lived and which he visited as well as posters of the Chopin exhibition, festivals and competitions. The first group comprises: portraits of Frederick Chopin made between 1826-1994 in various media (oil, engravings, water colours, drawings, photographs, sculptures, medals); portraits the composer's family, friends and acquaintances; caricatures and photographs of the participants and members of International Frederick Chopin Piano Competitions.

Portraits of Chopin include two particularly noteworthy drawings by Eliza Radziwillownafrom 1829, several portraits in oil and water colour by Chopin's friend Teofil Kwiatkowski, including the valuable canvas entitled Last Moments of Chopin, which depicts, apart from Chopin, his sister Ludwika, his pupil Marcelina Czartoryska, his friends Wojciech Grzymala and Father Aleksander Jelowicki, as well as the author of the painting.
肖邦的肖像画里,有两张肖像画尤其值得注意,那是1829年伊丽莎·雷兹威尔所作。还有几幅肖邦友人泰菲奥尔·克维亚特科夫斯基(Teofil Kwiatkowski)的油画和水彩画,包括有名的帆布油画《弗里德里克·肖邦临终之时》(Last Moments of Chopin),这幅画不仅描述了肖邦,还有他的姐姐路德维卡、学生玛赛琳娜·恰尔托雷斯卡、他的朋友沃伊杰赫·格奇马拉(Wojciech Grzymala)和神父亚历山大·耶沃维茨基(Aleksander Jelowicki),以及作者本人。
Of special interest in the Museum collection is the study of Professor Jozef Zurawlew, creator of the International Chopin Competition, and his archive, which was offered to the Frederick Chopin Society by Anna Zurawlew, his wife, in 1984.
值得注意的一点是Jozef Zurawlew教授,肖赛创办者的研究,他整理的档案由他的妻子在1984年贡献给弗里德里克·肖邦学会(负责相关研究、出版发行和比赛的举办等,译者注)。
The Museum collection would not be so extensive and precious were it not for the donations and loans from the National Museum in Warsaw (which offered for example Chopin's last piano), Artur Rubinstein with whose help the Museum collections were systematically enlarged over the years.
如果没有各方(如华沙国家博物馆提供了肖邦最后一架钢琴,还有阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦【Artur Rubinstein】等人和机构)的捐赠和外借,这座博物馆的藏品不会如此丰富而珍贵。
The Library, Recording, and Photographic collections are of enormous significance to scholars researching the life and works of Frederick Chopin and for people spreading knowledge about this Polish composer. The photographs were especially helpful in, for example, the issuing of such publications as Rekopisy utworow Chopina. Katalog (Manus of Chopin's Works. Catalogue), prepared by Krystyna Kobylanska (Krakow 1977, TIFC and PWM), Katalog dziel Fryderyka Chopina (A Catalogue of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin) by Jozef Chominski and Teresa Dalila Turlo (Krakow 1990, TIFC and PWM), the Facsimile Edition of the Autographs of Polonaise F minor [Op. 71 no. 3], Mazurka F minor Op. 7 no. 3, Grande Valse brillante E flat Major Op. 18, Impromptu A flat Major Op. 29, Berceuse D flat Major Op. 57, Mazurka F minor [op. 68 no. 4], and Chopin's letter (to his family from Szafarnia, to Wojciech Grzymala from Hamilton in Scotland, to Ludwika Jedrzejewiczowa from Paris).
这里的文库、录音和摄影藏品对研究肖邦的生平和作品的学者和传播这位波兰作曲家知识的人们都有着极其重要的意义。那些照片尤其——比如说,对肖邦作品原稿目录的出版等,以及复制版的f小调波罗乃兹(Op. 71 no. 3)、f小调玛祖卡(Op.7 no.3)、降E大调华丽大圆舞曲(Op. 18)、降D大调船歌(Op. 57)、f小调玛祖卡(Op. 68 no.4)和肖邦的信件(从萨伐尼亚寄给他的家人、从苏格兰汉密尔顿寄给沃伊杰赫·格奇马拉、从巴黎寄给姐姐路德维卡)。
This edition uses original autographs kept in the Chopin Museum of the Chopin Society in Warsaw, and has commentaries by Zofia Chechlinska, Teresa Czerwinska, Wojciech Nowik and Hanna Wroblewska-Straus. It is published by the Chopin Society in Warsaw and by Romega Press (1999-2000).
这个版本用了收于华沙肖邦学会的肖邦博物馆里的原稿,上面还有Zofia Chechlinska, Teresa Czerwinska, Wojciech Nowik和Hanna Wroblewska-Straus的注解。它由华沙的肖邦学会和Romege出版社(1999-2000)出版。
Another edition of this kind is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Quartet in g-moll für Klavier, Violone, Viola and Violoncello KV 478, faksimile nach dem Autograph im Museum der Chopin-Gesellschaft Warschau mit einer Einführung von Faye Ferguson(Salzburg 1991, TiFC and Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg).
另一个此类版本就是沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特的钢琴弦乐四重奏KV 478,它是根据华沙肖邦学会的肖邦博物馆的原稿的复制版,由Faye Ferguson写了导言(1991,萨尔茨堡,肖邦学会和莫扎特基金会)。

